"WELCOME TO COUNT DOWN YOUR CARBON" es el cabezote de un sitio web que nos permite diagnosticar nuestra marca de carbono para reducir los gases de efecto invernadero.
Puedes empezar ya para cambiar tus acciones para parar el calentamiento global.
Sólo tienes que hacer lo siguiente:
Click on the ten icons above to see how your choices can help stop climate change.
Each icon represents simple actions that have real carbon reductions associated with them.
Please only register actions that you have already taken or commitments that you are certain to fulfill. Return as many times as you like to add more contributions to the calculator; it will track your individual reductions as well as the collective effort.
Ya sabes que el objetivo es reducir las emisiones de dióxido de carbono a 500,000 toneladas.
Sumate a esta iniciativa global!!!
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