Bird photography IV: Regalo con colores de la naturaleza Colombiana…

Las últimas de esta serie de fotografías de
Aves colombianas.
El despliegue de colorido es hermoso.
Que los disfruten!




Colibri Zamarrito
Así les presentamos algunas de las aves de Colombia, tan diversa en sus ecosistemas como en los colores de sus pájaros.

Our Philosophy Give to European, Asian and American customers spring and summer atmosphere look and feel, each season of the year, and influencing the behavior of the people were our products are placed in. 

By the way, if you like the idea of TheGreenMarketing,
you may refer it to a friend!!!

Bird photography III: Regalo con colores de la naturaleza Colombiana…

Mas aves colombianas gracias a la Fundación Alas Libres.
El despliegue de colorido es hermoso.
Que los disfruten!


"Fíjense en las aves del cielo: no siembran ni cosechan ni almacenan en graneros; 
sin embargo, el Padre celestial las alimenta. 
¿No valen ustedes mucho más que ellas?"  
Mateo 6:26


Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 

Matthew 6:26



Our Philosophy Give to European, Asian and American customers spring and summer atmosphere look and feel, each season of the year, and influencing the behavior of the people were our products are placed in.

By the way, if you like the idea of TheGreenMarketing,
you may refer it to a friend!!!

France's Areva Buys 100% Stake in Solar Thermal Startup Ausra

Hola les comparto un artículo de Michael Graham Richard, Ottawa, Canada
Tecnología de Páneles solares 
Playing with the Big Boys
The solar thermal startup Ausra, which we've written about in the past, has just been bought by the French public mega-conglomerate Areva for an unknown amount. Ausra's solar technology is particularly desirable because they are storing part of the heat generated by the sun during the day so that they can keep producing electricity even when the sun doesn't shine.

I see this as a good sign for the capital-intensive solar thermal market. Projections have it growing at around 20% per year for the next decade, but depending on a few things (price of oil, carbon taxes, major climate events, new scientific discoveries, etc), solar could potentially expand even faster than that (or slower, if we're unlucky). 

Areva is huge and has the muscle to make really big solar projects happen. This kind of concentrating solar thermal with storage needs to be proven reliable before other companies and governments will invest more in it. And if it doesn't work, the faster we know about it, the faster we can solve the problems or move on to something else. Now's the time to make it happen, Areva.

By the way, if you like the idea of TheGreenMarketing,
you may refer it to a friend!!!

Bird photography II: Regalo con colores de la naturaleza Colombiana…

Hola, continuamos nuestra serie de fotografías de
Aves colombianas gracias al amigo Oscar.
El despliegue de colorido es hermoso.
Que los disfruten!

El gorrión de los yariguíes

Cucu ardilla.

 Tangara gyrola.

GreenMarketing blog !!!
A site were you can make friends,
Share ideas, photos of green products, discuss about the environment,
to inform yourself and refresh!!!.

Bienvenid@s al Blog GreenMarketing !!!
Un sitio donde podras hacer amigos, compartir ideas, fotos de
Productos nuevos amables con el medio ambiente, aportar al foro
sobre medio ambiente, informarte y disfrutar…

By the way, if you like the idea of GreenMarketing,
you may refer it to a friend!!!

Disminuye tu marca de carbono - Count down your carbon

 "WELCOME TO COUNT DOWN YOUR CARBON" es el cabezote de un sitio web que nos permite diagnosticar nuestra marca de carbono para reducir los gases de efecto invernadero.

Puedes empezar ya para cambiar tus acciones para parar el calentamiento global. 
Sólo tienes que hacer lo siguiente:
Click on the ten icons above to see how your choices can help stop climate change. 
Each icon represents simple actions that have real carbon reductions associated with them.
Please only register actions that you have already taken or commitments that you are certain to fulfill. Return as many times as you like to add more contributions to the calculator; it will track your individual reductions as well as the collective effort. 
Ya sabes que el objetivo es reducir las emisiones de dióxido de carbono a 500,000 toneladas.

Sumate a esta iniciativa global!!!

By the way, if you like the idea of GreenMarketing,
you may refer it to a friend!!!

Bird photography I: Regalo con colores de la naturaleza Colombiana…

Hola, en esta edición comenzamos una serie de fotografías de
Aves colombianas. El despliegue de colorido es hermoso. Que los disfruten!

El equipo,

Pájaro sonriente.  una especie en extinción, localizado en Ocaña, Colombia.

"Alégrense siempre en el Señor. Insisto: ¡Alégrense! 
Que su amabilidad sea evidente a todos". Filipenses 4:5-6

 Sin duda que una imágen vale más que mil palabras y que algunas de las cosas más alucinantes de la naturaleza, las podemos ver en cualquier lugar gracias a la fotografía. Así les presentamos algunas de las aves de Colombia, tan diversa en sus ecosistemas como en los colores de sus pájaros.

GreenMarketing blog !!!
A site were you can make friends,
Share ideas, photos of green products, discuss about the environment,
to inform yourself and refresh!!!.

Bienvenid@s al Blog GreenMarketing !!!
Un sitio donde podras hacer amigos, compartir ideas, fotos de
Productos nuevos amables con el medio ambiente, aportar al foro
sobre medio ambiente, informarte y disfrutar…

By the way, if you like the idea of GreenMarketing,
you may refer it to a friend!!!