'pro aesthetics supports' by francesca lanzavecchia
Italian born designer francesca lanzavecchia graduated from the masters program at the design
academy in eindhoven last spring. her thesis project ‘pro aesthetics supports’ explored the perception of disability through its artefacts. in the project she redesigned common medical artefacts associated with disability such as neck braces, canes, crutches and back braces. she focused on making the artefacts expressive so that each one becomes a personal representation of their owner, while paying special attention to social stigma.
‘representative skins’ back brace
‘lingerie’ back brace & ‘tattoo’ back brace
‘corset’ back brace & ‘polly’ back brace
Pocas cosas son menos glamourosas que andar con una condición médica o inmovilizados con un cuello ortopedico. Es por esto que la italiana Francesca Lanzavecchia basó su tesis de grado, en la personalizacion de artefactos médicos comunes y corrientes, rediseñando yesos, cuellos ortopédicos y bastones y convirtiendolos en una representación personal de quien lo usa.
‘protraction’ crutch & ‘bone’ cane
‘personal canvas’ neck brace
‘pronto’ neck brace & ‘neck plinth’
"neck plinth & ‘marsupial’ neck brace
What a original idea of green living and well bein!
Thanks to for this article.
Some people have said:
"Maybe Francesca Lanzavecchia and I should put our heads together. I was looking on-line for information about neck braces. Specifically for neck braces that are NOT 'conspicuos', preferably pretty, and useable by someone who can't stand anything even slightly tight around their neck!Additional braces are also of interest to me - I have several medical conditions which seem to require splints, braces or mobility devices. Also, I have a cane/walking stick that I always receive favorable comments about! Pretty simple, and pretty in-expensive as well!
Personally, I like the style of the neck plinth - no constriction near the 'Adam's apple', though I'm not too thrilled by the color. (It almost looks like something from a BDSM collection.) I'd actually prefer something more ornamental, and maybe padded where it comes into contact with the skin. I also like the Victoria neck brace. The cooling aspect of the lace is appealing, since I live in a hot and humid climate.
However, I am wondering about support and appearances for the back of the neck/cervical spine?
I have pinched nerves and bone degenerating from my upper neck all the way down to my tail bone. So, something to help alleviate the pressure and pain, that is comfortable and attractive would be wonderful".